Spring is in the air in Ottawa these days! The snow is starting to melt and it is getting warmer outside! Hooray!
With this in mind I just had to make something cute and fun in time for Spring!

I have been experimenting with different sizes and colours of the Divine pattern by Sarah Arnold. This pattern is available for download from Ravelry free of charge. This version of the pattern combines a previous bee knit beanie from my own knit catalogue with the spiral and shell design of the Divine crochet hat pattern.

With a few small alterations and improvisations to the original pattern here and there along the way I was able to make quite the adorable little baby bumble bee!
I have completed bumblebee knitted hats before with alternating horizontal bands of yellow and black. This Divine pattern gives a little more texture and fun to my itty bitty bee creations.
I added fun crocheted antennae to the top of the hat but the weight of the yarn could not be supported on its own. With a second attempt I was able to crochet antennae around a flexible metal wire to support the weight of the antennae. There was also a bonus to this process... now they were able to be bent in any shape and would stay put! Don`t worry though nothing sharp to hurt baby... everything is hidden well within the centre of the crocheted pieces.
How fun is this?
Knitting and crochet is all about having fun with yarn for me. This knit is now available online via our Etsy shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheKnittedArts I hope that you enjoyed this little baby bumble bee! As always we would love to hear what you think or if you have any suggestions for new knit or crochet creations.
Happy Knitting Everyone!!